I see today that Samsung is planning on releasing a dual DVD player (See: Samsung plans dual DVD player) which’ll not only play BluRay Discs but HD-DVD ones too. While it’s good that (some...Read More
Hanabi (fireworks) this year is now over. It’s usually a time for the whole city to dress up in traditional style summer clothing and head down to the river and watch the fireworks. Generally it...Read More
Since we started working for ourselves at the start of the year, we’ve removed a few trees in order to make room for a small student car park and replanted a few others in slightly different pla...Read More
Since Maia’s been born and work has started to increase, there hasn’t been too much time / inclination to get anything else done. Not that I didn’t want to mind. That however all cha...Read More
It seems once again Makudonarudo is the most popular thing on Blood and Soil. Here are the top 10 search phrases for the month of June. Enjoy. makudonarudo everywhere you look being sick vats uyoku br...Read More
Hellraiser: Hellseeker has just been released on DVD here in Japan and compare the cover of it to the cover of the US release and the Australian release (oh, wait it hasn’t been released in Aus....Read More
Here in Japan recycling is a big part of the garbage. Every (second) week or so glass, cans, plastic and paper is picked up and taken away to be recycled. Of course it’s good and sounds easy doe...Read More
Everybody has something they like doing (a “hobby” if you will) and Maia is no exception! Over the last 11 weeks, I’ve noticed her doing numerous things that she seems to either like...Read More
I have added a few more images from the Gallery onto the the main page to load randomly. Hopefully it should make the main page a little more interesting. Speaking of interesting, it’s been rain...Read More
I’ve just had a look at Blood and Soil using Internet Exploder 6 and noticed that it isn’t displaying 100% correctly. I’ve made a few minor adjustments and it’s a fraction bett...Read More
I decided to have a look at this web site’s server statistics – to see who’s been visiting us (from where) how long they’ve stayed at the site etc. The most interesting statist...Read More