I’ve been toying with the idea of “going to Linux” for a while now (cue “M$/windows is bad” remarks) and found a site which lists alternatives for all the popular windows...Read More
We have had this little A6 laminator for about three months now, bought it from D2, and it’s given us no major problems until tonight. I had prepared several flash cards – cut them all up ...Read More
Here’s a link to Sydney (Australia) police radio (streaming). This link isn’t up 24×7 – it’s up from late afternoon/mid evening (16:00-20:00) to midnight/early morning (06...Read More
I had just gotten over a “cold” (high temp for a couple of days) which was cured with lots of bed rest and sleep. When suddenly I felt a lot worse and lost my voice! Great, just great. Wen...Read More
I just love it when you’re using a bit of software (word processor, music player etc.) and you’re not doing anything out the ordinary when all of a sudden it (the software) wants to connec...Read More
Finally! After a few months of stuffing around (on and off) I’ve finally gotten BookQueueToo (BQT) to work on this blog (MT). BQT makes publishing and maintaining of list of what books/DVDs/CDs ...Read More
We got word (and a certificate) back from the Australian Embassy stating that Maia is now recognised as an Orstralian (Australian) citizen. Well done Maia. While I’m at it, I found a (Japanese) ...Read More
Maia has been crying a lot more over the last few weeks usually for many reasons: hungry, tired, need to be burped, nappy, not tired etc. and tonight was no different. She had just been fed, and after...Read More
No memory sticks or tennis balls (nothing even close) over the last couple of days in fact whenever I went out – it has been pretty ordinary. While out we did pay avisit to the post office (had ...Read More
No, not another memory stick, but still something useful. After delivering some flyers around the neighbourhood I was walking back home and saw a tennis ball just laying on the ground. Walked towards ...Read More
Today I took Maia out in her pram (in order to get some fresh air and do a bit of advertising while walking past letter boxes and to give Kiyomi some peace and quiet – time to sleep). We walked ...Read More
We all (Kiyomi, Maia and myself) came home today. Tonight is the first night all three of us shall spend together under the same roof. Should make for an interesting experience. I wonder how it’...Read More