A chance encounter A sudden sight The softening of hearts and opening of life You have always been your own boss Queen of the World You let us choose you Forever in your life 19/7/2009 – ...Read More
After reading and watching youtube videos about large numbers, Graham’s number, up arrow notation (power towers), I have (hopefully) defined, with what I am going to call, the “Christmas N...Read More
Lovely life until the end My heart shall never mend Joy and love she brought always with me Forever Full of Spirit; remember: our TOPSY 1993 – 9/7/2013 R.I.P. Kitty you will be missed....Read More
Valkyrja flying overhead, “Chooser of the slain” Who dies and lives in battle, know my name! The love amongst my kin, her beauty and lilly white skin Fertility, a thousand fold, eternal wisdom is ...Read More
A lovely miaow from within The life of a kitten did begin Joy and love she brought always with me Face to the sky and remember: our TIPSY 11/1992 – 29/9/2012 R.I.P. Kitty you will be m...Read More
Listening continually to The Atlantean Sword kind of inspired me to write this. Deep in the earth Down in the ground A mound of iron, (Lies) waiting to be found I pound, I shape A sword I make The swe...Read More